Sunday 30 June 2013

Bamboo in the Moonlight on Ocarina

I've got to say, I'm rather surprised how well this came out.... I hope...

I've never really been very fond of cameras, no thanks to my dad constantly shoving it in our faces going "SAY HI TO THE RELATIVES SO THEY CAN SEE HOW FAT YOU ARE!!!.... okay, I made that last part up...

On the bright side, I'm getting better at it so hopefully newer vids will look better! Even though I did this once before, that one had some mistakes and one major pitch problem, so I wanted to do a really nice job!
Also, my Mom really loves this song so.... :)

Monday 10 June 2013

Yakushi Village OST on Ocarina.

I know I've done this before but I really never was satisfied with how it turned out. So I grabbed an Orchestral version of this, had my sister run it through audacity and grabbed my Lil blue F soprano and had fun!.... I quite literally had so much fun doing this.... almost to the point of making mistakes in the recording.... sorry if anyone notices.