Kalanchoe Care Chapter 13: New Cuttings and leaf shedding!
Here we are again with more summer planting pandemonium!
Just kidding. Enjoy the photo gallery!
On the left, we have my new Yellow (somewhat sun-burnt) and my poor root-bound Poinsettia in nice new pots! All my little Kalanchoe needed new gravel in the bottoms because when, dry were always in danger of falling over. On the right, One of my Adult Kals ("Adult B") has been shedding not only leaves but whole chunks of plant! Don't ask me why it's doing this 'cause I don't know! There are no signes of Root Rot whatsoever so.... ???
I decided to let them callous up and I have now potted all 3. (it started with one and then 2 more showed up.)
Next on the left, are the two "Crown of Thorns" cuttings from my friends plant. This will be my first time propagating CoT plants so Here's hoping they take! Next are the 3 little Christmas Cactus jewels in one wee pot all their own. If all 3 take, I don't plan on separating them. I'd rather have a good sturdy plant.
Finally, I went to re-pot my new Mini Jade plant (gravel bottom, cactus soil) when one little piece fell off/I broke it off. Since it had roots on it already I figured I had nothing to loose my sticking 'em back in some dirt. If it grows, whoo-hoo! If not, oh well...
That's all for now. I'll be sure to let you know if any of these live!
God Bless and have a good day!
Later! A.M.
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