Friday 14 April 2017

"The Mournful Mother" Traditional Ukrainian Catholic Hymn on Ocarina

Have a Good Friday everyone! :) 

History: The Mournful Mother, a traditional Ukrainian Catholic Lenten hymn, was written to perfectly encompass the purest essence of what our Holy Mother Mary was going through during Jesus's Passion and Crucifixion. 
Even mentioning how in his youth (his Nativity for that matter), Mary knew already what was going to happen to him. 
How torn she must've felt inside for her only son and her God and savior, knowing beforehand what horrendous tortures he was going to be subjected to.

Even in the classic Christmas Carol "We Three Kings" it reads that Myrrh, the 3rd gift of the Wise Men, is for the time of mourning and preparation for burial in remembrance of the ancient prophecies that the "Messiah" would die at the hands of sinners. 

Can you imagine for even a moment what that must've felt like?...

Being a good Ukrainian Catholic, this to me is one of 2 Good Friday Cornerstone hymns, the other being a piece called "Beneath the Cross".
Personally, I have yet to hear in any way, shape or form a piece of music that can come close to matching this haunting, heart-wrenching hymn.

But then again, I must be dead inside because I've listened to this so many times I don't bawl my eyes out anymore listening to or singing it..... yes, I sing in Church. 
In Byzantine Rite (which is what Ukrainian Catholic belongs to) It's all chant.

God Bless!

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