This was easily one of the faster songs I've played and yet all the months of practicing seemed to have payed off......*I hope*. I'll admit that the one bottom part is a little weird but it's the best I could pull off considering my little blue soprano can only crank out so much "magic".
Anyway, I've had allot of fun recently finishing 2 new songs and doing some tinkering with an already finished performance, I just discovered Audio editing software, specifically the "Echo" effect!..... >_>" okay, maybe that's not such a huge achievement but I can be rather computer illiterate some days.
Also you could call me a *purist* meaning if you can't make an ocarina performance without "adding" to it, then you need more practice...... but that's just me.
So adding an echo to my videos is not going to be a regular thing with me.
Only for really special videos. ♥
So, either way I've been rather proud of myself recently and I'm gonna be really excited when I post them here!
"New Song Learned" Pazu's Morning Salute from Castle in the Sky.
Looking forward to recording that.
Later! A.M.
P.S. Recently sent my mixed dogs DNA to be analyzed so I'll finally know WHAT she is! I'll post the results here. In the meantime Here's the cute little fuzz-ball just itching for a good game of fetch! Ammy. (Amaterasu)

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