Ok I know I'm SERIOUSLY behind in keeping up with things when I remember to talk about something I got for bloody EASTER! >_<"
Either way, I've finally gotten around to taking some pictures of my Tenrai pendant ocarina....... here you go!
It's color is called "Monsoon Seas".
I new that my mom was going to get me one after showing her the Ebay listings but I told her she would still have the element of surprise because I said she could pick the color.
"A Brief review"
Considering it's size I was really surprised by how clear it was and by how shrill it wasn't.
This is easily one of the best pentants I've owned and in my opinion one of the best on the market and for a surprisingly reasonable price.
24.00 plus shipping? Good by me!
If you are only going to own 1 pendant, I'd seriously pick THIS one! Whether you're just starting out and want to pick up a good quality pendant for practice but can't afford to break the bank or you're a serious player (like me) who only believes "You get what you pay for" then take my word for it, THIS is the perfect embodiment of "affordable quality"!
This is one Ocarina investment you won't soon regret.
It's the only ocarina I own that can play "Flying Dreams" from the Secret of NIMH. A hint for a later performance you think?...... maybe. ;)
On a side note here's my collection of ocarinas so far that are performance grade.
(Everything but the tea-carina. It's cool but admittedly it's not very clear sounding so it's not something I'd use for a performance.....sorry.)
I just bought a teacarina recently. I was impressed at just how good it sounded for a teacup. The ergonomics are not the best for playing but it's great for amusing your self and friends who have no idea of what it is.