Later A.M.
Hi there! I'm A.M. The Ocarina Player. Yes, just like "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time". But did you know the ocarina is more than a magical quest Item? It's a REAL Musical instrument! From Folk to Chinese, Video Games to Catholic hymns, I play it all! I also periodically post about my quirky Kalanchoe House plants. Since I'm always striving for improvement, creative (and polite) criticism is always welcome, so come on in! and don't forget to feed the Fishies! ^-^
Monday, 31 December 2012
TON Secret Santa Unboxing
Later A.M.
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Yakushi Village from OkamiDen on Ocarina
This was the first song I mastered using a "Cross Fingering" sort of method on My Dragon Tooth Ocarina. Certainly worth mentioning is the difficulty level of this song and the fingering required. There are many other songs I've played using this fingering system including a recent rendition of Princess Mononoke. ♥
Sorry I didn't get around to any Christmas songs.It's been really busy around here.
Either way, Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy New Year!
Later! A.M.
Friday, 21 December 2012
One Summers Day On Ocarina
I'm thinking I might to some cute little Christmas songs over the next little while for fun! No Back tracks, just fun!
Later! A.M. :3
Monday, 10 December 2012
Ocarina Bloopers! :D
Later! A.M.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Bink's Sake from One Piece on Ocarina
I'M BACK!!!! And still alive!
This truly is such a happy song I couldn't help but play it!
I'll be posting new Ocarina videos at least every other week for a while so check back here often! Maybe even click to follow my blog? I have been working like a bunny to catch up on 5 months worth of projects and I really need to start work on practicing some new stuff...... I'm thinking.... Shadow of the Colossus.... >:)
Later! A.M.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Princess Mononoke Solo on Dragon Tooth Ocarina
Princess Mononoke Solo on Dragon Tooth ocarina.
This is the last video in my Stockpile until I can start recording again which sadly won't be until December. There was a typo in the scheduled for GED test times so instead of taking them at the end of October I get to take then in November. Yay! An extra month to study and punish myself with no Ocarina recording. TT_TT
A big thanks to my sister for finding the REAL Princess Mononoke orchestral track for me to use. I know I only upload this song on my birthday but I've got something better lined up for that day. ;)
BTW. I've got 2 request videos to make! Sure they're from my family but hey, you've got to start somewhere, right?
Later! A.M.
A big thanks to my sister for finding the REAL Princess Mononoke orchestral track for me to use. I know I only upload this song on my birthday but I've got something better lined up for that day. ;)
BTW. I've got 2 request videos to make! Sure they're from my family but hey, you've got to start somewhere, right?
Later! A.M.
Sunday, 30 September 2012 update.
We sold another one!!!!
This amusing, beautiful and downright psychedelic little Jade Doughnut choker is going to Washington U.S.A.
This is one of my more recent works and as hard as it was to find beads that would fit such a HUGE gauge of leather cord as well as play nicely with the other beads, I'm REALLY happy with how this turned out.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Gundam Seed song Akatsuki no Kurama on Ocarina
This is to commemorate my 1000th view! To be honest I'm actually a bit surprised I broke 1000 before the end of the year.
I do apologize that there's one mistake in the middle of the song but my musical coach say's "It's still really good!"
I do hate to say but this is my last video until the end of October. I do have one more video in my stockpile so maybe if I'm getting desperate, I'll upload it.
Until then maybe some of my readers will enjoy the little one shot I posted.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Tunes and Trinkets update.... again.
I'm typing this post to you right now on my newly cleaned, new battery added and new monitor added laptop..... I am SOOOOOOO GRATEFUL to my brother for fixing it despite what a pain in the A$$ it is to take it apart and put back together again. In spite of this he (with me helping) cracked it open, cleaned it, installed the monitor and put it all together again.
I really can't express to him in words how thankful I am for his efforts...... so I'll just make him home-made Ice cream instead.... XD
Monday, 27 August 2012
Ts&Ts Update.
I'm really sorry to say but I'll be taking a break from ocarina performing for a little while.
"Why?" You ask? For 2 reasons.
2: along with hardware updating my computer has been suffering from serious overheating issues for a while. My tech-savvy brother says "We'll take it apart and clean it once all the new parts come in." That alone could take a while.
Later! A.M. XD
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Tenrai pendant overview and update.
Ok I know I'm SERIOUSLY behind in keeping up with things when I remember to talk about something I got for bloody EASTER! >_<"
Either way, I've finally gotten around to taking some pictures of my Tenrai pendant ocarina....... here you go!
It's color is called "Monsoon Seas".
I new that my mom was going to get me one after showing her the Ebay listings but I told her she would still have the element of surprise because I said she could pick the color.
"A Brief review"
Considering it's size I was really surprised by how clear it was and by how shrill it wasn't.
This is easily one of the best pentants I've owned and in my opinion one of the best on the market and for a surprisingly reasonable price.
24.00 plus shipping? Good by me!
If you are only going to own 1 pendant, I'd seriously pick THIS one! Whether you're just starting out and want to pick up a good quality pendant for practice but can't afford to break the bank or you're a serious player (like me) who only believes "You get what you pay for" then take my word for it, THIS is the perfect embodiment of "affordable quality"!
This is one Ocarina investment you won't soon regret.
It's the only ocarina I own that can play "Flying Dreams" from the Secret of NIMH. A hint for a later performance you think?...... maybe. ;)
On a side note here's my collection of ocarinas so far that are performance grade.
(Everything but the tea-carina. It's cool but admittedly it's not very clear sounding so it's not something I'd use for a performance.....sorry.)
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Castle In the Sky song "Pazu's Morning Salute"
I apologize however, about it not being really great or spectacular and that it was done in Video Pad. There should be Text at the beginning saying what the song is and what it's played on and the end of the vid saying thank you. I don't know how to fix it so just bare with it. :(
I also apologize about it being kind of a bare-bones level performance. I had thought of having a 2nd recording for just holding notes but it just didn't seem to want to work. >_>
Later! A.M.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
One Piece original Soundtrack "Storms and Stars" on ocarina
This is another one of those cute little songs from my projects shelf that I finally managed to finish.
It's funny, I let my mom listen to this and she asked "THIS is form One Piece?!"....... "Surprisingly, Yes!" I replied.
So, either way, I hope you enjoy and I do apologize for neglecting Ts & Ts for the past few weeks. Things have again been very busy, I haven't had time to stockpile any new videos and I hate running on empty.
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Nausicca of the Vally of Wind on Ocarina
I hope you guys have as much enjoyment listening to this as I did making it.
To be honest I'm really happy I mastered this song before a certain someone else on the internet beat me to it. (is it wrong for me to try and be a little competitive?)Though, I suppose the flip-side to this video is that it only proves further I should have a multi chamber Ocarina in my arsenal..... but I really don't want one.
Either way, enjoy!
Later! A.M. ♥
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Fields of Hope from Gundam Seed Destny on Ocarina and World Ocarina Day!
I for some strange reason feel compelled to help Mr. Docjazz4 push and really get going the idea of a World Ocarina Day. A day for all ocarinists to come together and share their love of the instrument and the beautiful music that it creates!
So, here's my small contribution to World Ocarina Day! Enjoy!
So, here's my small contribution to World Ocarina Day! Enjoy!
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Okami OST Kamiki's Sorrowful Tradition On Ocarina
Sorry I haven't uploaded anything in the last week and a half. I've been trying to catch up on my recording stash as well as kick my self in the butt to get some other things done so don't be surprised if things get a teeny bit slow around here over the summer. *Stupid GED* >_<
On the up side though I've been practicing and learning some new songs so who knows: I may have some new songs ready for your listening pleasure come the end of July.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Cherry Blossom Shower from Okami as Ocarina Duet
This was a surprising amount of work and fun to make as well as to listen to so I hope you like it!
We finally have more feeder calves! 7 Steers to be exact and I couldn't be happier but boy-howdy were they expensive! (almost makes you think it's more worth it to go back to Cow/Calf operating again) XP
I'll soon be listing 3 more Ocarina charm necklaces on our Etsy store! These ones are for Pendant ocarina fans! Listing will be taking place in the next week or more! :D
I'm also seriously considering making Dragon Tooth ocarina charm necklaces but I sure don't want anyone from SongBird getting cross at me >_>".
Later! A.M.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Tunes and Trinkets Update.
Our First Sale on!!!
Pretty little thing, isn't it?
It's going to Alabama in the USA.
I really can't deny my excitement that all my persistence and patience have finally paid off for my little sis and me. I really hope things will go uphill from here on in for us in the world of handmade Jewelery.
Later! A.M.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Aimo song again and Hakuouki.
This is simply a re-upload of The original song just with an echo effect added. I've been doing a crap load of stuff recently, too much to think about recording so I apologize in advance.
On a side note I've been absolutely ecstatic about some Hakuouki news recently. They're making a 3rd season (prequel style) and 2 short movies. Also I've discovered that Otomate did indeed make an actual Action/Adventure game for the PSP releases this year. I sure hope they'll translate the rest of the games in the years to come....... Am I getting ahead of myself? How rude of me! I didn't even say what "Hakuouki" is! Bad me >_<"
On a side note I've been absolutely ecstatic about some Hakuouki news recently. They're making a 3rd season (prequel style) and 2 short movies. Also I've discovered that Otomate did indeed make an actual Action/Adventure game for the PSP releases this year. I sure hope they'll translate the rest of the games in the years to come....... Am I getting ahead of myself? How rude of me! I didn't even say what "Hakuouki" is! Bad me >_<"
Hakuouki (Pale cherry blossom Demon) is a Living Novel/Date Sim style game based on the historical samurai group called the "Shinsengumi". You play as a girl looking for her missing Father and through a series of events she gets mixed up with the Shinsengumi and eventually falls in love with one of 5 bachelor Shinsengumi men and 1 evil dude. Elements in the game, including people and events, do draw from historical events but there are some fantasy elements that..... don't....draw from historical events..... tee hee hee.
Anyway, the game spawned an animated series that lasted for 2 seasons or 22 episodes (too short and WAY to sad!) and 3 more games. Looking at some of the success of the recent English release and the sales of the 4 Japanese games I guess someone at Otomate games (copyright holder) Decided to continue with the cashgrab and said "Lets animate the Prequel game Reimei-Roku and make an action/adventure game!"(think GTA meets Edo era Japanese Samurai) and thus, my giddy-ness has been explained. If you're curious about this series then feed the name in to your fave search engine and have fun searching.
(warning) some of the fan base for this series range from respectful *like me* to "OMG! are you F-ing crazy?! You made which character do what with WHO?!" psychopath level..... just so you know....
Later! A.M.
P.S. I like the game and anime because of it's compelling/heartbreaking story and believable character interpretation, (historical, remember?) NOT because it's a dating game! I'm too much of a tom-boy for lovey-dovey crap like that. XD
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Tune and Trinkets Update: Mixed Breed Dog.
Well, I received Ammy's DNA Test Results via Downloadable PDF file. This DNA test goes all the way back to what her Great Grandparents were and as it turns out in her family tree on one side it's all American Eskimo
and on the other side it's Cocker Spaniel and Mixed breeds......
That explains pretty much EVERYTHING I've been wondering about with her for the past 5 years! Was it worth $85.00?....... Let me get back to you on that but in my opinion it's pretty good. Only really snippy on the price but I'd say if you can find a Wisdom Panel Insight on the Cheap then I'd definitely say "go for it!"
Later! A.M.

and on the other side it's Cocker Spaniel and Mixed breeds......
That explains pretty much EVERYTHING I've been wondering about with her for the past 5 years! Was it worth $85.00?....... Let me get back to you on that but in my opinion it's pretty good. Only really snippy on the price but I'd say if you can find a Wisdom Panel Insight on the Cheap then I'd definitely say "go for it!"
Later! A.M.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Gelfling Song Duet From The Dark Crystal
Well, It's the Weekend so I guess I should Post something...
Yeah, I guess That Will do.
Oh Come on! I'm just kidding. Here's a nice Video.
Please Don't forget to comment. ♥ It helps me improve.
In Other News: Been Busy as a Beaver listing Items on Our Etsy shop and I've been Really surprised by how much traffic we've gotten. (Thanks for the help mom.)
Don't Forget about Those Ocarina charms I mentioned a little while ago. ;D They will be going up within the Week and I got a new Tenrai pendant Ocarina for Easter and have been thoroughly LOVING it! I'll post a picture when I can.
Later. A.M.
P.S. Some one here asked me what ocarina I used for this performance. Here you go.
You can get it in a metallic luster, Straw fired and they have a few in their new Opal color. Just go to their "one of a kind" section. :)
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Fight on Brave Oki from Okami and update.
This was easily one of the faster songs I've played and yet all the months of practicing seemed to have payed off......*I hope*. I'll admit that the one bottom part is a little weird but it's the best I could pull off considering my little blue soprano can only crank out so much "magic".
Anyway, I've had allot of fun recently finishing 2 new songs and doing some tinkering with an already finished performance, I just discovered Audio editing software, specifically the "Echo" effect!..... >_>" okay, maybe that's not such a huge achievement but I can be rather computer illiterate some days.
Also you could call me a *purist* meaning if you can't make an ocarina performance without "adding" to it, then you need more practice...... but that's just me.
So adding an echo to my videos is not going to be a regular thing with me.
Only for really special videos. ♥
So, either way I've been rather proud of myself recently and I'm gonna be really excited when I post them here!
"New Song Learned" Pazu's Morning Salute from Castle in the Sky.
Looking forward to recording that.
Later! A.M.
P.S. Recently sent my mixed dogs DNA to be analyzed so I'll finally know WHAT she is! I'll post the results here. In the meantime Here's the cute little fuzz-ball just itching for a good game of fetch! Ammy. (Amaterasu)

Sunday, 1 April 2012
Aimo from Macross Frontier.
Just to let you know, I have never seen the actual show that this song comes from. I actually heard this song from an AMV that my little Sister showed me and I thought to myself "I can totally learn that song!" Little did I realize how complicated this song was going to be seeing as it was a different version of the song than the one from the show (The different version require allot of sharps and such).
Even so, I managed to learn BOTH the version from the AMV And the Original song you'll hear down below.
On a side note: For those of you who DO know the series, I'm sorry but I couldn't find a full karaoke version of this song..... life's full of trade-offs.. >_<
Aside from that, Enjoy
Okay, one extra side note: No this isn't an April Fools prank. Granted, they can be funny sometimes so don't get me wrong but They're just not something I do.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Tunes and Trinkets Update
Well, it's 9:30 at night, I've only JUST gotten back to my computer, I've managed to get through re-writing my GED Math without throwing up or panicking and just now I'm having a snack size supper (Chinese takeout). Can you guess who's tired?
On the plus side, at least I can now focus on more important things like Ocarina recording and GlitzSis listing. (Just kidding, math is very important, no matter how much we don't like it or how much it doesn't like us)
Tally-Ho! Onward for the sake of Art!......(and making some moneyz) :)
Later, A.M.
On the plus side, at least I can now focus on more important things like Ocarina recording and GlitzSis listing. (Just kidding, math is very important, no matter how much we don't like it or how much it doesn't like us)
Tally-Ho! Onward for the sake of Art!......(and making some moneyz) :)
Later, A.M.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Cherry Blossom Shower from Okami
Oy Vey Have things been touch and go around here this last week!
*sigh* At least I can still get a once-a-weekend post done.
So I do hope you enjoy!
btw: This goes out to a Buddie of mine on The Ocarina Network, OcarinaFlutist, Sorry for making you wait so long to listen to this! :(
And as I said before I am seriously contemplating doing a duet version of this but GED test time is coming up next week and I swore to myself "NO Ocarina Recording until AFTER test time!"
However, it doesn't mean I can't practice in between math study and GlitzSis item listing. ;D (cheeky little me!)
Later! A.M.
*sigh* At least I can still get a once-a-weekend post done.
So I do hope you enjoy!
btw: This goes out to a Buddie of mine on The Ocarina Network, OcarinaFlutist, Sorry for making you wait so long to listen to this! :(
However, it doesn't mean I can't practice in between math study and GlitzSis item listing. ;D (cheeky little me!)
Later! A.M.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Castle in the Sky on Dragon Tooth Ocarina.
I was and still am particularly please with how this performance turned out. Enjoy!
Oh... by the way, GlitzSis is moving to The work is slow but steady so don't forget to stop by every now and then! Go Here if you're interested!
And I've been having loads of fun with polymer clay over the last week.
Check back here later on if you're curious to see what I and my sis have been making! Later A.M.
And I've been having loads of fun with polymer clay over the last week.
Check back here later on if you're curious to see what I and my sis have been making! Later A.M.
Multiple chambered Ocarinas
As promised in "Ocarina Styles" I'll go over what I like to call "Monster Ocarinas".
These are the big dogs of the Ocarina world, from modestly sized to insanely gargantuan in proportion!
Now for those of you who know very little or are very new to the Ocarina world, multiple chambered ocarinas are......well....... think like a harmonica! Only instead of more than a dozen little single note chambers to blow into you have only 2 or more multi note chambers.
The Double.

The Triple.
The elusive Quadruple.
You can even get double chambered Pendants!
for reading this far, I'll give you a little bonus: Meet the multi-chambered ocarinas cousin, the Haucca! You have the two chambers that you play melody and harmony on and then you have a 3rd 'drone' chamber. Think like how bagpipes sound..... but less like a cat yelling for help.... XD
And a relatively new comer to the multi chambered family The "Songbird double sprouted Harmonic Ocarina" The 2 chambers are tuned 1 octave apart from each other.

Well I hope you had fun with the brief gloss over the big ocarinas. See you next time! A.M.
On a side note.
yeah..... don't we wish. >_<
These are the big dogs of the Ocarina world, from modestly sized to insanely gargantuan in proportion!
Now for those of you who know very little or are very new to the Ocarina world, multiple chambered ocarinas are......well....... think like a harmonica! Only instead of more than a dozen little single note chambers to blow into you have only 2 or more multi note chambers.
The Double.
The Triple.
The elusive Quadruple.
You can even get double chambered Pendants!
for reading this far, I'll give you a little bonus: Meet the multi-chambered ocarinas cousin, the Haucca! You have the two chambers that you play melody and harmony on and then you have a 3rd 'drone' chamber. Think like how bagpipes sound..... but less like a cat yelling for help.... XD
And a relatively new comer to the multi chambered family The "Songbird double sprouted Harmonic Ocarina" The 2 chambers are tuned 1 octave apart from each other.
Well I hope you had fun with the brief gloss over the big ocarinas. See you next time! A.M.
On a side note.
yeah..... don't we wish. >_<
Thursday, 8 March 2012
One Piece on Ocarina
These are 2 are projects that have been sitting on the proverbial shelf for....oh.... a year or so.... -_-"
And since you're all such good bunch of little blog readers I'll give you 2 videos for the bandwidth of....... 5...... life with poor high-speed in a low spot in the middle of nowhere can be depressing sometimes.
1: It's the only karaoke version I could find.
2: It seemed to work better with my F soprano.....
Se la vi.
Later! A.M.
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Princess Mononoke on Ocarina
FYI: This remake of Mononoke Hime is the song that made me start my blog in the first place. I know I shouldn't use the backtrack I chose but I'm not the only one who does things like this. Who knows, maybe a year from now I'll make something even better!....... maybe....
Next post? One Piece!! :D
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Yoshi's Island Lullaby from SNES On ocarina
All I know is people sure like this song..... maybe 'cause it's so cute!
..... For some reason, I don't have my hand-typed Ocarina tabs on my computer.... >x<
Fortunately I can salvage some of them from My old You-Tube Video descriptions.
So here you are! They are number tabs so you know.
So you know I'm the one who figures out how to play it and do the tedious job of Writing this stuff down. I'd still do it but it's a lot of work and I just don't have time anymore.
Enjoy and Happy playing. ^^
For 12 hole Ocarina: If you see this: _# That mean it's played on the right hand (Lower) side. If you see this -# Means it's played on the left hand (Higher) side. If you see this # that mean a sharp & this *** means to hold for that number of counts.
*Note* _4 and _3 are the 2 extra sub holes.
YOSHI'S Island Lullaby
*Start* 5 4 5 4 2 3 2 3 2 _5 1 7 1 7 _5 _6 _5 _3 _5 _6
5 4 5 4 2 3 2 3 2 _5 1 7 6 7 1 7 _6 _5_ 5
*Middle* 3 2 1 2 _5 1 7 _6 7 2 3 2 1 2 5 5 4 3 4
5 4 5 4 5 -6 5 4 5 -7 -7 -6 5 4 5 -6 -6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5! *Back to start*
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Ocarina Styles.
I feel bad that I've neglected to go into further detail about all the different kinds of Ocarinas that are out there like I said I would 8 posts ago. Now, I think the best way to do that is to let you peruse my modest little collection.
Teds-DoReMe -Ebay store Very nice store for beginner Ocarinasts and He's very nice.
My Hylian Shield Pendant.(This is a 6 hole English style Pendant.
Perfectly capable of performance playing!) Find it Here -> Songbird Ocarinas Excellent products and even better customer service.
Black gloss Seed Pod pendant.
(Also a 6 hole pendant it's a Tenor in the key of "G" and is perfectly capable of preforming. Haven't thought of anything for it to play yet. >_>)
(Cheeky little birdie!) Find it Here -> Songbird Ocarinas There are 3 styles to choose from :)
Pututo Ocarina. (Made in Peru this is an 8 hole made more for aesthetics
than for serious playing. Rich, deep tone but limited range and yes, it's in the shape of a conch shell.)
The Dragon Tooth. (My "Trick" Ocarina. This is the one I reach for when I'm trying to learn a difficult song. Needless to say it's seen some abuse at the hands of my "Monkey-see-Monkey-do" little brother and my own carelessness.... oy vey... >_<)
Go here -> Songbird Ocarinas There are 2 to choose from: The standard and the Baby Dragon Tooth. Also both come in 2 styles: regular luster finish and Straw Fired. ♥
Lil Blue Soprano
(Not much to say other than that I love it!)
Teds-DoReMe -Ebay Store.
So you know, everything you've see so far are all single chamber ocarinas but there are double, triple and I think I've even heard of a quadruple! You'll have to wait until the next post to see some of what I like to call "Monster Ocarinas!" See you later! A.M.
Castle in the Sky on ocarina Duet
This is one of my first Ocarina performances that doesn't use a backtrack. As the video says, This was actually a Christmas present for my mom. She always wanted me to do something like this (She even learned a little Ocarina to help me out) but I simply needed to tinker around for a little while. Then once I upgraded my Recording techniques the rest only took me a afternoon! XD
(Also, this is the first video I've made using VideoPad. Thank Gosh I'm not going to use it that often! It doesn't like me.) @_@
I've already re-done a normal version of "Castle in the sky" on my Dragon Tooth (Which incidentally sounds amazing!!!)
but I'm thinking of doing a special version combining the the normal version and the duet version.
I also have 2 more videos that fall into the backtrack-less category. What are they you ask?
Well.....Since I don't have anything made right now, I'll give you a hint:
Something from Okami and something from
The Dark Crystal!
Intrigued? Good! Later! ♥
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Gundam Seed Ending On Ocarina
For optimum listening I recommend Good Desktop Speakers or headphones.
It's just that I'm on a laptop so my Logitech speakers are essential!
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Okami OST The Canine Warriors on Ocarina
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Okami Music.
This is one of my more recent videos. By this time, I upgraded to recording in my basement where the acoustics are much better than what's called
"Bedroom Acoustics."
I have some older videos but I want to redo them before posting them.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
OkamiDen Limited Edition Music!
I was playing OkamiDen on my DS Yesterday And I realized I wanted to enjoy listening to a few tracks on my MP3 player. So this morning I went surfing on you-tube and to my Shock and amazement I found a "Limited Edition" track!
Meaning that you could probably get this "L-E OST" with a special Pre-Order of the game.
Just a though......
Why am I so spazzy about this? Because the DS can't handle Fully Orchestrated music. That's what this Limited Edition is: DS music played by a orchestra! The way it should have been!
The only Limited edition track that I wanted was the one posted above. "Yakushi Village". Even if you don't like video games, I highly recommend listning to the music!
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Ocarinas of the world.
Modern Ocarinas really are quite the marvel. As fun to look at and collect as they are to play!
The most common Ocarina seen today is the Transverse or "Sweet Potato" Ocarina. This is the ocarina that we think of when and if we think of them. This was also the ocarina made famous by Nintendo and is therefor the most popular in Asia.
This one here is my Blue Soprano in the key of "F".
But, that's not to say that this is the ONLY kind of ocarina! You also have the "English pendant/Seedpod" Ocarina. It's called an English pendant because...... well.... that's where it comes from...... duh! XD
They usually never have more than 4 or 6 holes but what makes them different from the Peruvian Oc's of Yester-year is that despite having fewer holes they can still play 8 notes and a few sharps and flats! That is thanks to a guy named John Taylor who invented them in the 1960's. He figured out that by changing the diameter of the holes and using a "Cross Fingering" system, you could still crank out an octave.
The other thing about English pendants is their transportability! Very light and comfortable to wear! These are my soprano "Snail Shell" pendants. One in chocolate and one in butterscotch! Yum!
There are other variations of these 2 family of Ocarinas but I need to get going so I'll leave you with a video to watch.
This is one of my older videos but out of all my old Ocarina videos this one has the best audio quality.
This is one of my older videos but out of all my old Ocarina videos this one has the best audio quality.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
What is an Ocarina?
The Ocarina's past is pretty long so I'll explain only the most important parts.
The ocarina originated in Peru and the surrounding South American area around........ ok, lets say this: The Ocarina's the oldest wind instrument dating back almost 12,000 years! That's a LONG time and WAY before Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was even thought of!
They looked allot like the ones in the picture above. They were folk instruments, meant more for aesthetics than for serious playing and usually ranging between as few as 6 holes and as many as 9 holes. Other similar instruments have been found in China and Japan and looked like this.
In China it's called a Xun and in Japan it's called a tsuchibue or "Earth Flute".
You see Mei and Satsuki playing these "Earth Flutes" in the Studio Ghibli movie "My Neighbor Totoro".
As Europeans started to move around more and more they soon brought some of these little guys back with them.
They stayed primarily as children's toys in Europe until the 19th century when an Italian named Giuseppe Donati who lived in Budrio transformed it from a child's whistle to a more comprehensive instrument, capable of playing an octave+2, therefore creating the modern ocarina!
You can usually tell an Italian Ocarina from it's Asian cousins because of the curious and noticeably pronounced "bump" on the left end of the ocarina.
Once Nintendo's Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time showed up that skyrocketed the Ocarina to new sales, heights and popularity!
As for all the different kinds of ocarinas there are in the world? Well, that will need to wait till the next blog post!
Friday, 27 January 2012
Hi there and welcome!
As the Above states I'm an Ocarinist. The purpose of this blog is is
mostly for Ocarina video performances by me but that's not to say I
won't talk about other things. :3
Like my pets, current favorite
movies or fave Anime (Japanese cartoons). This is also to talk about I
and My little sisters Handcrafted Jewelery from our online store
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